You Have to Say Something

Well, I’ve been working hard trying to get this blogging site up and running which has proven more difficult than I thought.

Why is this?

It’s the same reason everybody struggles, I guess. I feel like I want to say something but don’t know exactly what it is. However, I dress this up to myself in terms of needing to get the look and feel correct before I can start with a vengeance.

Procrastination is a wonderful stick with which to beat ourselves!

But not this time, I’ve started too many things previously just to wallow in the mire of not being determined enough to see it through, to not trust myself to have views worth sharing.

So, the question is what do I want to express?

Having recently moved to a new calmer way of life, I find myself drawn inexorably back to zen, to help the transition. I might also try to FINALLY make a start on some short stories. So I’ll start with these differing, vagabond aspects of myself. It might be a bit eclectic for the same blog but hell let’s give it a go maybe someone will want to read my musings.

No, scratch that. There will be an audience and everything starts with the first step!

I’ll try to split my thoughts into some worthwhile categories and use tags like a good little blogger and there must be some people in the same boat, so I’ll reach out to them too. Let’s see how it goes, at least I’m finally trying.

So welcome to my first real posting about finally starting something and seeing what buds grow.

I don’t pretend to be some sort of zen master, no Hardcore Zen here (yet) but I do know that living in the moment is key. Whatever you are doing throw yourself into it to the best of your ability, you’ll never get a second chance to capture that genie in a bottle.

And as Dainen Katagiri, told his pupils when he, or indeed life posed a question,

“You have to say something”

So here I am, saying something, methodically stating my case to be heard, trying to share, wanting to connect.

Or maybe here I am, whispering to the wind, shouting into the abyss, howling at the moon.

16 thoughts on “You Have to Say Something

  1. I love that you started this blog. Starting is the hard part! Once that first step is taken, the rest becomes a little easier. Starting something is the entire theme of my blog! Hope you will stop by!:)


      1. Yes, I do. And I should copyright “blog-versation” and “blog-versationalists” shouldn’t I? Ok, done! Copyrighted! Thank you for checking in and the feedback & glad you like the feel of my site, I try to keep it relatable!😊


  2. Wonderful post ! Please keep writing. I look forward to reading more posts from you. I agree that it is essential to stay in the moment.


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